Welcome to my blog,

I’m currently studying computer science in university. Whenever I can (i.e. whenever I can find a spare minute), I love learning additional things on my own. Part of a great lerning experience for me is to share my newfound knowledge with others, so that’s the main idea behind this blog. Obviously, it might serve as a reference for myself in the future as well. Generally, I tend to work on mostly software-oriented projects, but I’m hoping to learn enough to be able to create some hardware projects as well.

Recently, the projects I’ve undertaken are relatively small-scale, because it’s hard to find any time left after studying and working. Those projects are still very valuable to me and I’m grateful that I’ve even got the time to complete them at all.

Occasionally, I’ll also take part in competitive events which relate to software somehow, be it by creating software, or breaking it (with CTFs). They’re always very fun to take part in and, generally, these events are the ones where I learn the most the fastest!

Besides computer science, I love sports, music, reading and writing!

Thanks for taking the time to read this and getting to know me a bit. Hopefully you find something useful in this blog!